Free Download Google Chrome Latest

Download Google Chrome, the best and most popular web browser today. With 45% of all web browser users and 310 million active users every day, Google Chrome is the most used browser on every platform. This fast and lightweight browser is available for free with all the amazing features that the Google ecosystem has to offer.

User Interface:

The beautiful minimalistic user interface is the culmination of 6 years of development. The elegant forward, back and refresh/cancel buttons are a welcome sight every time you open up the browser and an optional home button is also available which can be set to a home page of your choice.

Google Chrome was the first web browser to implement a unified address and search bar, which was then adopted by all other web browsers. It performs the usual functions like auto complete of frequently visited pages as well as adding suggestions for search results. The presence of web tabs above all the controls leave the browser looking clean and fresh and keep in trend with the entirely minimalist design. Chrome also allows for various themes which change the browsers appearance, all of which can be downloaded for free.


The performance enhancements of the browser are easily noticed with JavaScript and other commonly used plug-ins loading noticeably faster than its competitors. Google Chrome uses the V8 JavaScript engine which employs dynamic code generation along with hidden class transitions and precise garbage collection. All these techniques translate to a much faster webpage loading and smoother transitioning even with graphic intensive pages. At no time will you feel frustrated with partially filled web pages or a sluggish browser experience.

Web Standards Support:

Extensive testing and development has made Google Chrome a leading browser in benchmark test and support. Chrome has passed Acid3 testing with a test score of 10 failed/11573 passed.
While testing html5, Google Chrome for windows scored 505 out of 555 points which places it first among all desktop browsers.


Daily updates of Google blacklists for phishing and malware prone websites will always track what website you are visiting and warn you accordingly or in some cases prevent access entirely.
For download scanning, Google has introduced protection with a technique called Sandboxing. The Sandbox will monitor each active webpage tab individually and prevent malware from spreading by containing it in the Sandbox. When the affected tab is closed, it leaves all other opened tabs unaffected. Chrome also offers a private browsing mode called Incognito mode where all history and cookies from sites are not saved

Google Account Bonus:

By using Chrome with a Google account, you are entitled to avail all the bonus features that it has to offer. One of the best features available only to Chrome users is its Google Chromecast integration. Connecting to the Chromecast is done with just a click of a button and mirroring whatever you are currently viewing on your browser to your HDTV has never been easier.
Chrome also implements auto translation for web pages using Google Translate which is available for 52 languages. In addition to these amazing Google services, thousands of third party plugins and extensions are also available for download which only add to the amazing user experience.

Download the latest version of Google Chrome straight from the official Chrome web site,

To make sure you have the latest version, watch the following video:

View some amazing customized versions of the latest Google Chrome, right here: