Google Chrome download latest version free

Google Chrome is the world’s most used web browser with almost 45% of world users and 310 million active users every day. This lightweight open source browser is considered by many as the best browser available on every platform. Google has made reliability, speed and compatibility as its primary aim and with every new update, the user experience just gets better and better.

The newest version of Chrome is available for download completely for free and using it with your Google Account just makes this amazing browser that much sweeter. The amazing Chrome cast integration is possible only through Google Chrome and users can also utilize the Google services that the ecosystem has to offer.

User Interface:

For the UI, Google wanted Chrome to be lightweight, fast and beautifully minimalistic. The default home page displays the Google search bar along with thumbnails of frequently visited sites and web searches for immediate access. The unified address and search bar was implemented first on Google Chrome and then adopted by all other browsers. The unified bar also performs the usual functions like auto complete of frequently visited pages and suggestions for search results. Well designed forward, back and refresh/cancel buttons greet you with an optional home button which can be set to a home page of your choice. Another feature which sets itself apart from other browsers is the presence of the web tabs above all the controls which keep in trend with the minimalist design to this beautiful browser. Chrome allows easy synchronization of bookmarks, browsing history and settings through your Google account and on all devices which have the account signed in.


The performance enhancement of the browser is easily noticed with JavaScript and other commonly used plug-ins loading noticeably faster than its competitors. Google Chrome uses the V8 JavaScript engine which employs dynamic code generation along with hidden class transitions and precise garbage collection. All these techniques translate to a much faster webpage loading and smoother transitioning even with graphic intensive pages. At no time will you feel frustrated with partially filled web pages or a sluggish browser experience.